
BOSTON BOMBINGS; Friend Says Ibragim Todashev Interviewed 'At Least 5 Times' By FBI, Never Asked About Triple Murders, 'It Was A Game'

"They [FBI] talked to him a lot on the phone... but when they want to see him, like meet him up, it was like, from what I know, like 5 times, but it could be more, at least 5 times... never be mentioned the three, the triple murder, never ... he was afraid... one of the agents was talking to me for like three and a half hours... they'd been following us... it [the interview] was really friendly, now that I think about it, it was a game." - Khusen Taramov

May 31, 2013 (AE) - While researching the two articles I wrote yesterday about how Ibragim Todashev was killed "execution style" by the FBI, see my previous article here, I ran across a relatively unwatched (358 views) interview with his close friend, Khusen Taramov, posted by the Boston Globe.

This is further evidence that Todashev WAS NOT being investigated for the Triple Murders, therefore he WAS NOT about to "sign a confession", because he already had an Atlanta alibi... see my previous article here.

See this very interesting interview below...

2013.5.23 Friend Of Todashev Talks About FBI Interviews (Khusen Taramov) (thebostonglobe, youtube.com):


(Boston Globe) The best friend of the Chechen man shot and killed by a law enforcement agent says that authorities never questioned them about an unsolved Waltham triple murder prior to the deadly interview.

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